We've been reviewing place value and have started to compare numbers
All of us should be able to:
Represent numbers up to 10 000 (gr.4) and 100 000 (gr. 5) with
- pictures (money) and base-10 materials
- standard form (33)
- words (thirty-three)
- expanded form (30+3)
- place value charts
We have learned that there are multiple strategies when comparing numbers. We can use base-10 materials, place value columns and numbers lines to compare similar numbers.
Language Arts
We have finished our Alpha Genre Brainstorming placemats and will display them in our class for all to see. We learned that there are all kinds of creative ways to express ourselves with writing. We don't always have to focus on serious stuff like science reports, letters and procedures. Although serious writing is very serious and important!
We have also started to review paragraphing. An important skill that may have been forgotten over the summer months. Once we regroup our ideas and get organized (terrible joke?), we will move onto our original programming, our Me Assignment!
We have also started to create our own word ladders. This activity allows students to review simple spellings of words, word families and also experience changing syllables and sounds within words. It also gives students a chance to be creative!
In reading we have settled into some regular reading routines, set up our reading response journals and just started on our first reading strategy - CONNECTIONS! We will be working on making connections for the next few weeks and will also be working on reading out loud, easier said than done.
Social Studies
We've review some basic mapping concepts and have a benchmark of the world around us now. We have begun the study of Medieval Times and Ancient Civilizations by comparing what life was like back then, to present day times. What do you mean they didn't have television, cars or the Internet?!
Stay tuned... We've been working at a modest pace and things are about to take off!